About Stemtrix

Our mission is to bring to the market a group of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases, which will allow: to avoid the development and block the existing mechanisms of resistance; reduce the virulence and size of pathogen populations

Stemtrix core team

Evgenii Koluga

25 years of entrepreneurial experience, management of innovative projects, creation and management of enterprises and financial institutions, IT patents.


Andrey Gaponov

Doctor, biotechnologist, specialist in the field of microbiology, entrepreneur, experience in sales of veterinary and medical preparations, international expert, more than 10 patents.

Ph.D. CRO, Scientific Director

Sergey Schurok

Entrepreneur, more than 20 years of experience in organizing the production and sales of veterinary drugs, experience in registration of veterinary and medicinal products, more than 5 patents.

COO, Chief Operating Officer

Our competitive advantages

Innovations in the treatment of infectious diseases

Radical reduction in the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine and medicine

Global product focus and markets

Products are extremely popular for people, animals and birds. The total market estimate for all veterinary drugs of the Stemtrix group is more than $ 10 billion

Technology commercialization strategy

R&D, IP, registration of drugs & sales in Israel, EU, China, USA, Brazil, India and Mexico. Production in EU GMP, India.

Team competencies

Qualification of the team corresponds to the goals and objectives. Has a serious scientific and patent base, rich production and business competencies

Global scalability of the technology

Some of the most important advantages are low cost, fast production organization and scalabilityn

Feasibility of the technological solution

Already proven in industrial trials of Rezovet and Rezomast

Stemtrix products portfolio

Our medications can be used in the tretment of the large number of diseases: gastrointestinal tract, urogenital pathways, skin, ear. Combination therapy is possible, including the use of the drug and any antibacterial agent

Animal medicine



Prevention and treatment of poultry in bacterial diseases

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Animal medicine



Treatment and prevention of mastitis cattle

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Animal medicine



Prevention and treatment of animals in bacterial diseases

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Animal medicine



Treatment and prevention of cattle endometrit

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Animal medicine



Prevention and treatment of animals in diseases of the hoof

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Animal medicine



Prevention and treatment of fish for bacterial diseases

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